By Email

Email Us

Send us an email with your inquiry, and we'll look into it and get back to you right away.

By "right away" we mean "typically less than one business day." We often reply within a few hours. If it's the weekend or a holiday, you'll hear from us on Monday or the next business day.

We won't add you to any email list, or sell your info to anyone. No one likes that kind of stuff.

So, in the interest of best helping you out, feel free to leave your name, contact phone number, the product(s) you're inquiring about, when the item is needed, and so on. We can often arrange rush production and delivery, so don't leave out any details!

Things you might want to include with your inquiry:

  • Your name
  • Address (at least where it's shipping to, city/state/zip)
  • What product(s) you're asking about (links, description, or SKU number)
  • Product options and personalization details
  • Date you need it by
  • Date of the actual service

These details will help us understand the full picture of what you are looking for and trying to accomplish. Going into our third decade in the urn business, trust us - we've seen it all! If there's a way to get it done, we'll figure it out for you.




(Toll-Free, tap to call)

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