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What Size Urn Should I Get?

What size urn do I need?

The amount of ashes, or "cremated remains", that each urn holds is measured in cubic inches. The industry standard calculation is approximately 1 pound of healthy weight to 1 cubic inch of cremains; that is, a 180 lbs person will require roughly 180 cubic inches capacity in an urn.

Please note: Since there are many variables in what the final amount of remains will be, we highly suggest getting an accurate measurement of cremains from the crematorium prior to a purchase of an urn as we can not determine the need exclusively based on the person's size.

Most adult cremation urns will hold 200 cubic inches at a minimum, and some hold more.

Hamilton Cremation Urn

For example, the Hamilton Cremation Urn, pictured above, holds 210 cubic inches of remains. We list the volume capacity in cubic inches that the urn will hold in the product description for each of our products.

For a larger individual, the measurements can be a little tricky. The ashes you receive are the bone matter that remains after the cremation process. This means that regardless of a person's actual weight, the cremains should be around the same amount as the average person of the same height.

Urn Size Calculation 

Here are some handy charts to help you figure weight (and thus cubic inches needed) based on height. This is for a standard fire based cremation. If calculating for aquamation (water based cremation) there may be 20 to 30% more cremains. 

Weight chart for Women

Height Small Frame Medium Frame Large Frame
4'10" 102-111 109-121 118-131
4'11" 103-113 111-123 120-134
5'0" 104-115 113-126 122-137
5'1" 106-118 115-129 125-140
5'2" 108-121 118-132 128-143
5'3" 111-124 121-135 131-147
5'4" 114-127 124-138 134-151
5'5" 117-130 127-141 137-155
5'6" 120-133 130-144 140-159
5'7" 123-136 133-147 143-163
5'8" 126-139 136-150 146-167
5'9" 129-142 139-153 149-170
5'10" 132-145 142-156 152-173
5'11" 135-148 145-159 155-176
6'0" 138-151 148-162 158-179

Weight chart for Men

Height Small Frame Medium Frame Large Frame
5'1" 128-134 131-141 138-150
5'3" 130-136 133-143 140-153
5'4" 132-138 135-145 142-156
5'5" 134-140 137-148 144-160
5'6" 136-142 139-151 146-164
5'7" 138-145 142-154 149-168
5'8" 140-148 145-157 152-172
5'9" 142-151 148-160 155-176
5'10" 144-154 151-163 158-180
5'11" 146-157 154-166 161-184
6'0" 149-160 157-170 164-188
6'1" 152-164 160-174 168-192
6'2" 155-168 164-178 172-197
6'3" 158-172 167-182 176-202
6'4" 162-176 171-187 181-207

Source: Healthy Check Systems

Large capacity urns

Of course, there are variations in bone density and structure, so for a larger individual, it is wise to err on the side of more cubic inches. Often, families will choose a companion urn, which usually hold 400 cubic inches. We have several other urns that are in the 230-250 cubic inch range as well. The larger capacity urns may also be needed for cremains after an aquamation. 

Companion urns

Some couples choose a companion urn as a way to signify their inseparability. These urns typically will hold 400 or more cubic inches, and can often be made with or without separate compartments inside. If a divider is chosen, then both sides will be roughly 200 cubic inches. Again, be sure to see the dimensions on each product page, and use the same calculations as above to determine if the urn will be suitable.

Keepsake urns

Keepsake urns vary widely in size; some hold as little as 1 cubic inch of cremains, while others hold up to 100 cubic inches. Choose your keepsake urn carefully depending on its intended usage. If you would like to divide the cremains among several relatives, it is usually best to get several 50+ cubic inch keepsake urns.

What if I'm still unsure?

If you're still not sure how to figure out what type of funeral urn you need, or if a particular urn will be suitable, please contact us and we'll be happy to assist you. Our toll-free number is 877-900-5309 (tap to call). Keep in mind that quite a few of our urns can be customized to suit your needs!


Maybe you're the visual type and an infographic is the best way to help you picture it. Try this:

Cremation Urn Size Chart - Infographic