This Rose Bouquet Cremation Urn emanates an abundance of life and passion. Crafted in the USA from solid walnut wood (as shown) or oak, the floral design is created using laser cut exotic hardwoods inlaid into the front surface to give the urn its lush color.
This wood urn is meticulously handcrafted by woodworkers in the Pacific Northwest, and as with most of our urns, we can custom engrave the surface with name and dates of the top or back for a personalized memorial.
- Made in the USA
- Available in Oak or Walnut
- Real, solid, natural wood
- 3-d engraved scene inlaid with natural hardwoods
- Engraved inscription available
- Bottom opening attaches with screws
- 7-3/4" Lx 7-3/4" W x 9-7/8" H
- 200 cubic inches
- Also available as a sharing keepsake urn
- This urn has a capacity of 200 cubic inches
- This urn will hold an individual who weighed up to 200 lbs
- To simply calculate the volume you need, follow this formula:
- One pound of the individual's healthy body weight will require one cubic inch capacity
- A 190 lbs individual will require a capacity of roughly 190 cubic inches
- For more detailed info, see our article "What Size Urn Should I Get?"
Shipping & delivery
- Free standard ground shipping
- Made to order in 3-5 business days
- Time in transit varies; generally 5-7 business days
- Rush shipping can be arranged; contact us for details
- Phone orders, questions, or comments please call toll free (877)900-5309